What is the SSA?
The Student SWOT Assessment examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats the student has experienced in the past or is currently experiencing. It views indicators of cognitive, academic, neurological, personality, and emotional development. It also examines the goals of the student, which are sometimes ignored, or limited to the short-sighted milestones of graduation or getting a job. These societal goals sometimes make honest living difficult, because they may bury or defer development of the student’s greatest gifts in order to fit in with family, community, culture, and social norms. This conflict, often ignored in traditional evaluations, can be a key source of imbalance. It is critical to the SSA process.
When is the SSA Needed?
The SSA is private and fully confidential to the family and parents can opt to not share the results with the school. School-based evaluations are free and available to all children, even if they go to private school, so long as they meet the demonstrated need for a school evaluation. However, the SSA has a different objective than a school-based evaluation (special needs, behavioral health challenges, etc.) or a psycho-educational evaluation (cognitive, academic, neuro-developmental, personality, emotional, etc.). The results are based on predictive analytics and the findings seek to offer a path to improved happiness and well-being, based on deeply felt life goals and personal passion. The SSA is a powerful and affordable first step to help you identify if there is a problem and the best potential course of action. It also helps create a more purposeful life that is aligned with the soul. It offers you a private evaluation, with confidentiality, and without the cost. Should indicators of a more serious issues be detected, a full psychological assessment will be advised.
Who developed the SSA?
SSA was developed by a team of marketing, psychology, and education leaders, based on years of clinical studies and market research. The team was lead by Mark Lawrence, a graduate of The Wharton School of Business and Cornell University. After working with schools ranging from private to rural and inner city, a huge gap was revealed in the number of families with neither the financial means to purchase full psychological assessments, nor the behavioral health challenge severity or courage to warrant requesting a school evaluation.
What does the SSA cost?
The SSA investment is $275 per student. Sponsors’ support offset this investment for up to 100 students who have attended school assemblies, including the processing fees.
Well-Being Assessments are a quick way to determine if you or someone you care about may benefit from having a better understanding of their biological, psychological, and/or social stress or trauma-related triggers. Our initial assessment process requires the completion of a series of screening questions, which must be answered honestly and will be kept fully confidential. The process is meant to give us directional insight on how to improve balance and reduce stress. Upon completion of the assessment, a full SWOT analysis will take place and a Findings Report will be issued within 14 days. During this time, we recommend the introduction of daily gratitude journalling. The Findings Report will offer a more specific journalling content agenda and schedule.